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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
associate professor
▪ I participated in a national competition called to fill eight positions of associate professor in gastroenterology.
▪ J., is an associate professor of modern and classical languages at the University of San Francisco.
▪ Mr Tolleson returned to his alma mater in 1971 as an associate professor to teach band arranging and music theory.
associate professor

n. a teacher lower in rank than a full professor but higher than an assistant professor

Associate professor

Associate professor (frequently capitalized as Associate Professor) is an academic title that can have different meanings. In North America and universities elsewhere using the North American system, it is a position between assistant professor and a full professorship. In a number of Commonwealth countries, the title associate professor is often used in place of reader, which is used in the United Kingdom and a number of other Commonwealth universities; this usage is typical of universities in Australia and New Zealand, as well as in South Africa, Malaysia and other countries (the title associate professor in those countries, like the title reader, corresponds to a full professorship in North America).

Some universities in Commonwealth countries have changed to the American system, or adopted a combination. The University of Western Australia, for example, changed to the American-style system in 2009, and those who until then held the title associate professor received the new title professor, whereas those who until then held the title senior lecturer, received the new title associate professor.

Usage examples of "associate professor".

Law reviews, first minor and then major, began publishing his semi-controversial articles as much for their style as for their content, for the young associate professor had a seductive way with the written word, at once riveting and arcane, by turns flowery and incisive.

The fourth, employing contemporary college students in a psychology laboratory, is the subject of a recent Master's thesis by associate professor Don Werkheiser of Central State College, Wilberforce, Ohio.

We can start you off as an associate professor working under Ralph Forster.

The associate professor hung up the phone and looked down the corridor.

At 10:16, she lifted it, made a time notation, and described how both she and her fellow associate professor confirmed the presence of the Ebola virus.

It was cheap and tarty, but every woman was entitled to look cheap and tarty once in a while, even an associate professor of ophthalmic surgery at the Wilmer Eye Institute of the Johns Hopkins Hospital.

I maintained that I had earned tenure, for I had become an associate professor in 1955, and could not be deprived of the title without cause.

I am still associate professor of biochemistry at Boston University School of Medicine.

MJ, as he had been called for as long as he could remember, had been a twenty-nine-year-old associate professor with a doctorate in Arabian Studies from the University of California where he subsequently taught.

He was an Associate Professor of Psychophysics at the University of Ed­.