n. In algae, a filament of cells involved with photosynthesis, usually full of chloroplasts
Usage examples of "assimilator".
And he knew what he was talking about, for this personage later announced him self to be the Chief Assimilator of the planetary division.
The Assimilator fell into a deep study, and the two psychologists withdrew.
Cantrell was dashing onto paper what the Assimilator had told him about the shakes.
So she took me to Ersh, the Senior Assimilator and Eldest of our Web, who promptly grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and tossed me off her mountain.
Ersh sorted it all for me first, of course, as Senior Assimilator, but I could always tell the source.
And then the assimilator passes on what you do, puts it in words Outside.
A natural assimilator, prison-trained, knows the dark side of the street' - suck - 'and the dirty underbelly of the human mind.
They take a look at Lanceville, the fusactor system, the harbor, and the hydrocarb processing plant, maybe Sebastions marine farms and assimilators, and they think they've seen Artos.