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n. (plural of assignation English)

Usage examples of "assignations".

It is the only time, in a hundred assignations, I ever gave the signale, the code word of surrender that requires a patron to cease.

I had become quite the fashion by this time, and I accepted assignations as readily as my swift-healing flesh allowed, choosing sometimes at whim and sometimes out of covert interest, so that no pattern might be discerned in my choices.

She had accompanied the President on many of these assignations, but rather than growing used to them, they disgusted her more each time.

Russell knew about Walter Sullivan's odd viewing habits from the mirror and chair, but then again, for the assignations he didn't know about, didn't get to watch, who knew what his reaction would've been?

When she emerged from the secret passage that connected the apartments she used for the cult and the tiny flat she used for her English assignations, she was swathed in a cloud of darkness that merely hinted at the trim body beneath, and veiled with black silk as well.

From the armory roof to the wall top was only about twelve feet, which made the armory roof a favorite spot for the arrangement of assignations.

Night came, stars came out, men went up on the armory roof courting, women made assignations, babies were born, little boys came to their warrior fathers, and nothing changed.

He heard false laughter, brittle as silicon, saw groups of girls ganging up on others, cruel jests perpetrated on the weak, on the shy, on anyone who was "different," heard whispered conversations about who was the worst teacher, the nastiest teacher, the strictest teacher, the ugliest teacher, about lessons missed, tests copied, about touching oneself, about nighttime escapes, about assignations with boys waiting in the nighttime shadows just outside the abbey's walls, parties where drugs made in secret from the produce of the herb and mushroom gardens were ingested, where laaga, smuggled in from outside, was smoked.

It was here she had first plied her trade, partnered in sweaty assignations beneath the dense nighttime shadows of the ammonwood.

And that was the lesson the assignations within the ammonwood had long ago taught her.

And yet nevertheless on the other side again it will be as fit to check and control the vain and void assignations and gifts whereby certain ignorant, extravagant, and abusing wits have pretended to indue the state of man with wonders, differing as much from truth in nature as Caesar's Commentaries differeth from the acts of King Arthur or Huon of Bourdeaux in story.

That by new instances are not always to be understood new recipes but new assignations, and of the diversity between these two.

That all such as have sought action and work out of their inquiry have been hasty and pressing to discover some practices for present use, and not to discover Axioms, joining with them the new assignations as their sureties.