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n. (plural of asserter English)

Usage examples of "asserters".

The most positive asserters of the mortality of the soul, never denied the immortality of its substance.

Rather, he will think that so long as popular truth is one-sided, it is more desirable than otherwise that unpopular truth should have one-sided asserters too.

He predicted the same fate to ATTRACTION, whereof the present learned are such zealous asserters.

They declared themselves Monothelites, (asserters of the unity of will,) but they treated the words as new, the questions as superfluous.

They declared themselves Monothelites, (asserters of the unity of will,) but they treated the words as new, the questions as superfluous.

But there is one privilege the Gy-ei carefully retain, and the desire for which perhaps forms the secret motive of most lady asserters of woman rights above ground.