Crossword clues for assemblers
n. (plural of assembler English)
Usage examples of "assemblers".
Instead, most people believed that nanoengineers would eventually find a way to build “assemblers”—miniature molecular machines that could turn out specific molecules the way a ball-bearing machine turned out ball bearings.
Because assemblers were vastly more complicated than the molecules they made, attempts to design and build them had been difficult from the outset.
But now Ricky was telling me, quite casually, that Xymos could build molecular assemblers that were now turning out molecules for the company.
Unable to construct genuine nanoassemblers, Xymos was using bacteria to crank out their molecules.
It turned out that the molecular assemblers were heavy, and tended to sink to the bottom.
So the assemblers were making very little contact with the molecules they were meant to assemble.
That brought the assemblers into better contact with the component molecules, and immediately our yields jumped five orders of magnitude.
We must have vented five or six hundred kilos of contaminants—bacteria, molecules, assemblers.
Pretty soon you have assemblers, and the assemblers begin to do the final work and turn out new microagents.
It flowed to the center, where the assemblers churned out the final molecules.
My daughter’s rash was caused by gamma assemblers—the micromachines that assembled finished molecules from component fragments.
The gamma assemblers are designed to cut microfragments of silicon, but faced with a pliable substance like skin, they only pinch it.
For some reason the gamma assemblers cut memory chips and leave central processors alone.
Thousands of seconds passed, an aeon to the productive assemblers: skeletons appeared, first as lacy outlines and then as baroque coral outcroppings afloat in the central placentory bubbles.
Blood, tissues, teeth, and organs began to congeal in place as the nano-assemblers pumped synthetic enzymes, DNA, ribosomes, and other cellular machinery into the lipid vesicles that were due to become living cells.