An Assault boat is a boat utilized by combat soldiers for making a landing as part of combat operations. Meant for inland waters, assault boats were light enough to be carried by several men and paddled, or fitted with an outboard motor for hi-speed operation, manually portable or not.
Assault boats in the U.S. military during World War II were typically the property of Combat Engineer Battalions, whose combat engineers also deployed and crewed them.
Usage examples of "assault boat".
An E-boat fired on his assault boat, throwing the men into the water.
She swung the laser cannon around in the general direction of the assault boat and fired again.
Kassad pulled a plasma grenade from a corpse's bandolier, leaped to the tank hatch, was thirty meters away before the explosion geysered flame as high as the assault boat's bow.
The big assault boat felt logy and clumsy, and a part of her screamed to kick up the wedge and get more acceleration, but that was out of the question.
Another part of her watched it through Megarea's assault boat sensors, and her grin grew as Tisiphone spluttered in her brain.
He says they were conducting an exercise, and could not unload the assault boat and still land during this orbit.
Captain Grafton wasn't betting all his chips on the assault boat xswain, Qazi thought.
The crude energy weapons were powerful enough to burn through any assault boat's shield, but they'd fired at extreme range.