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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Assassinate \As*sas"sin*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Assassinated; p. pr. & vb. n. Assassinating.] [LL. assassinatus, p. p. of assassinare.]

  1. To kill by surprise or secret assault; to murder by treacherous violence.

    Help, neighbors, my house is broken open by force, and I am ravished, and like to be assassinated.

  2. To assail with murderous intent; hence, by extended meaning, to maltreat exceedingly. [Archaic]

    Your rhymes assassinate our fame.

    Such usage as your honorable lords Afford me, assassinated and betrayed.

    Syn: To kill; murder; slay. See Kill.


vb. (en-past of: assassinate)


adj. murdered by surprise attack for political reasons; "the 20th century has een too many assassinated leaders"

Usage examples of "assassinated".

Caligula and Domitian were assassinated in their palace by their own domestics: ^* the convulsions which agitated Rome on the death of the former, were confined to the walls of the city.

The writers, who suppose that he died in ignorance of the ingratitude and ambition of Maximin, affirm, that, after taking a frugal repast in the sight of the army, he retired to sleep, and that, about the seventh hour of the day, a part of his own guards broke into the imperial tent, and, with many wounds, assassinated their virtuous and unsuspecting prince.

Maximin and his son are assassinated by the soldiers enraged at the resistance of Aquileia: and this was probably in the middle of May.

Tropius, in speaking of his death, does not say that he was assassinated - G.

Invincible in arms, during a thirty years' war, he was at length assassinated by the emissaries of Sapor, king of Persia.

Aurelian was assassinated in the middle of March, the year of Rome 1028.

A few months after the death of Clemens, and the banishment of Domitilla, Stephen, a freedman belonging to the latter, who had enjoyed the favor, but who had not surely embraced the faith, of his mistress, ^* assassinated the emperor in his palace.

Their language is in general so ambiguous and incorrect, that we are at a loss to determine how far Aurelian had carried his intentions before he was assassinated.

After a reign of only twenty-eight days, Sylvanus was assassinated: the soldiers who, without any criminal intention, had blindly followed the example of their leader, immediately returned to their allegiance.

Marcellinus retired to Sicily, where he was assassinated, perhaps at the instigation of Ricimer, by one of his own captains.

By this shameful abdication, he protracted his life about five years, in a very ambiguous state, between an emperor and an exile, till he was assassinated at Salona by the ungrateful Glycerius, who was translated, perhaps as the reward of his crime, to the archbishopric of Milan.

Yet Praetextatus, archbishop of Rouen, was assassinated by the order of Queen Fredegundis before the altar, (Greg.

But the faithless Chozar was soon tempted by the gold of Constantinople: and had not the design been revealed by the conjugal love of Theodora, her husband must have been assassinated or betrayed into the power of his enemies.

When Alexander was assassinated, Philip returned to Macedon and no doubt found the place unbearably provincial.

They eventually made peace, but Ali was assassinated in 661 by a dissident.