vb. (obsolete spelling of assail English)
Usage examples of "assaile".
Therewith they gan, both furious and fell,To thunder blowes, and fiersly to assaileEach other bent his enimy to quell,That with their force they perst both plate and maile,And made wide furrowes in their fleshes fraile,That it would pitty any liuing eie.
In which amazement, when the MiscreantPerceiued him to wauer weake and fraile,Whiles trembling horror did his conscience dant,And hellish anguish did his soule assaile,To driue him to despaire, and quite to quaile,He shew'd him painted in a table plaine,The damned ghosts, that doe in torments waile,And thousand feends that doe them endlesse paineWith fire and brimstone, which for euer shall remaine.
Tho when he saw no power might preuaile,His trustie sword he cald to his last aid,Wherewith he fiercely did his foe assaile,And double blowes about him stoutly laid,That glauncing fire out of the yron plaid.
But they him spying, both with greedy forseAttonce vpon him ran, and him besetWith strokes of mortall steele without remorse,And on his shield like yron sledges bet:As when a Beare and Tygre being metIn cruell fight on lybicke Ocean wide,Espye a traueiler with feet surbet,Whom they in equall pray hope to deuide,They stint their strife, and him assaile on euery side.
So both attonce him charge on either side,With hideous strokes, and importable powre,That forced him his ground to trauerse wide,And wisely watch to ward that deadly stowre:For in his shield, as thicke as stormie showre,Their strokes did raine, yet did he neuer quaile,Ne backward shrinke, but as a stedfast towre,Whom foe with double battry doth assaile,Them on her bulwarke beares, and bids them nought auaile.
Fiersly at first those knights they did assaile,And droue them to recoile: but when againeThey gaue fresh charge, their forces gan to faile,Vnhable their encounter to sustaine.
For all so soone, as Guyon thence was gonVpon his voyage with his trustie guide,That wicked band of villeins fresh begonThat castle to assaile on euery side,And lay strong siege about it far and wide.
Which drery sight the gentle Squire espying,Doth hast to crosse him by the nearest way,Led with that wofull Ladies piteous crying,And him assailes with all the might he may:Yet will not he the louely spoile downe lay,But with his craggy club in his right hand,Defends him selfe, and saues his gotten pray.
But still continu'd his assault the more,And layd on load with his huge yron flaile,That at the length he has yrent the dore,And made way for his maister to assaile.
She comming forth, when as she first beheldThe armed Prince, with shield so blazing bright,Her ready to assaile, was greatly queld,And much dismayd with that dismayfull sight,That backe she would haue turnd for great affright.
Sharpely they all attonce did him assaile,Burning with inward rancour and despight,And heaped strokes did round about him haileWith so huge force, that seemed nothing mightBeare off their blowes, from percing thorough quite.
With dreadfull force they all did him assaile,And round about with boystrous strokes oppresse,That on his shield did rattle like to haileIn a great tempest.
Doest thou not know (Foole as thou art) if thou be naked, if ten Gyants should assaile thee, they could not spoyle or rob thee?
Thus as we reasoned together the courage of Venus assailed, as well our desires as our members, and so she unrayed herself and came to bed, and we passed the night in pastime and dalliance, till as by drowsie and unlusty sleep I was constrained to lie still.
Sounds of several symphony orchestras mixed with synthesizers assailed the ears of the onlookers.