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n. (misspelling of aspirin English)

Usage examples of "asprin".

I, my publishers, and many bookstores anddealers have been flooded with queries and de vii viii Robert Asprin mands for "the next Myth book," with each readerbeing sure the books were in existence somewherebecause of the schedule I had so foolishly "com-mitted to" in that introduction.

While I am not in a position to repair thefinancial damage caused by the "false start" adver-tising campaign, I feel it only honorable to offerpublic apology to Donning for the professional x Robert Asprin embarrassment which my memory lapse caused.

I give him my best innocent look back, 1 2 Robert Asprin which as any jury can tell you is most convincingthough deep down inside I am more than a littleannoyed with myself.

From this, it 7 8 Robert Asprin is easy to see that attendin' these borin' but nec-essary plannin' sessions is not only an honor, itgreatly improves one's chances of bein' alive at theend of the fracas.

We had been holdin' the start of our meetin' L 10 Robert Asprin until she got back from droppin' the Boss off onPerv, which she had just done, so now we areready to commence the proceedin's.

Otherwise 16 Robert Asprin we're going to have trouble keeping track ofthings.

It is clear that dis is a ploy to induce us newrecruits into makin' a mistake which will furtheranger the sergeant, as at this point he has asked 17 18 Robert Asprin not one, but two questions callin' for oppositeanswers, and whatever answer is given is boundto be wrong.

The kid what has just answered is so skinny it 20 Robert Asprin is surprisin' he can stand without assistance, buthe licks his lips nervously and takes a deep breath.

My only puzzlement is where theymanaged to find an entire room full of mental 29 30 Robert Asprin deficients who have all only learned the samehaircut.

I sez, "can you look around at our 32 Robert Asprin fellow unfortunates and tell me honestly that youcan't tell who comes from where without commit-tin' such blatant perjury that even the most boughtjudge would have to call youse on it?

Before they can close on her, I 38 Robert Asprin have stepped in behind and between them, anddropped a friendly arm around their shoulders.

I have neglected to mention durin' my previousinstructional oration that if youse relaxes the afore-mentioned grip suddenly and completely, the re- 40 Robert Asprin sultin' rush of blood to the area which has beenassaulted by said grip causes additional discomfortto a point where some subjects have been knownto faint dead away.

Most ofthe information they passed along was indeed43 44 Robert Asprin necessary when considered as an overview, and itwas presented simply, but with a real effort towardmakin' it interestin' enough to hold the attentionof us recruits.

You see, at this point itwas no secret that the army of Possiltum was thelargest, best equipped force around, so few king-doms or towns chose to buck the long odds by 46 Robert Asprin M.

The corporal was 50 Robert Asprin right there beside him, offering helpful sugges-tions at the top of his lungs.