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adv. In an ascetic manner.


adv. in an ascetic manner; "she lived ascetically in a small house all by herself"

Usage examples of "ascetically".

I sat down before him and for three consecutive hours I narrated scandalous histories unnumerable, which, however, I told simply and not spicily, since I felt ascetically disposed and obliged myself to speak with a contrition I did not feel, for when I recounted my follies I was very far from finding the remembrance of them disagreeable.

He was the pastor of Selene’s interfaith chapel, a Lutheran: an ascetically thin young German with hair so blond it looked nearly white.

Li Chengdu was an ascetically lean, sallow-faced man who had been born in Singapore of a Chinese merchant family, educated in Shanghai and Geneva, and was rumored to be in line for a Nobel Prize for his research in atmospheric physics: he had found a way to reverse the depletion of the ozone layer and close the long-dreaded ozone hole in the upper atmosphere.

She would have made two of wiry little Provola Quero, with her ascetically cropped head and single tight braid-and in Hafiz's estimation, a true woman like this was worth ten of an engineerfemale like Provola.