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n. (plural of ascender English)

Usage examples of "ascenders".

Descenders and the Ascenders, and, most lamentably, passes over those systemssuch as that of Plotinusthat perfectly integrate the two.

The Ascenders are destroying this world, because it is the one world they are all certain that they thoroughly despise.

The pessimistic Ascenders dourly pursued an otherworldly Goal they were assured of never reaching, and the optimistic Descenders giddily embraced a this-worldly creation whose Source they celebrated but never experienced.

Suddenly, very suddenly, the Ascenders were out, the Descenders were inand the transition was bloody, arguably the bloodiest cognitive transformation in European history.

Descenders accuse the Ascenders of being repressive, puritanical, life-denying, sex-denying, earth-destroying, and body-ignoring.

The two could no longer be united, and historically the Ascenders and the Descenders went virtually their separate ways.

We will return to this history in a moment, but such have been the Ascenders, in just a few of their many guises.

With tears streaming down the face and upward-turned eyes, these Ascenders are ready to destroy this worldor at the very least, neglect it to deathin order to get to the Promised Land, a land that, however vaguely it might actually be conceived, is clearly enough understood to be anything but this land, definitely not this world, which is shadows to the core, deceptions in depth, illusions at best, demonic at worse.

Gnostics, who were archetypal Ascenders, viewing all of manifestation as nothing but shadows, and evil shadows at that.

The Descenders accuse the Ascenders of being repressive, puritanical, life-denying, sex-denying, earth-destroying, and body-ignoring.

Descenders, that spews evil into this world, and the Ascenders are the primary representatives of that evil.

And whereas the Ascenders had dominated the scene up to the Renaissance, all it took was a decisive shift in consciousness to unleash the Descending Path, a path which, bursting forth from its thousand-year confinement, exploded on the scene with a creative fury that would, in the span of a mere few centuries, remake the entire Western worldand in the process substitute, more or less permanently, one broken God for the other.