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n. (plural of arum English)

Usage examples of "arums".

Althalus knew the Arums well enough to be certain that they'd stay down in the canyons to conduct their search, since climbing the ridges would be terribly inconvenient and there weren't many taverns up on top where they could rest and refresh themselves.

After he'd lain behind a fallen tree watching the camp for a while, Althalus concluded that there were no Arums around, so he rose to his feet.

What he was really looking for were the characteristic clan tattoos of the Arums.

At this particular time Althalus thought it might be prudent to avoid Arums.

It was easy to see why the other young Arums in Sergeant Khalor's detachment had accepted this young fellow as their leader.

Like all Arums, Eliar enjoyed good stories, and he was exactly the kind of audience that warmed Althalus' heart.

The Arums are the best soldiers in the world, and they know how to train other people to be fairly good as well.

A platoon of Arums can train an entire army to be fairly good soldiers in about two months.

They try to impress the lowlanders by pretending to be Arums, and they try to impress us by pretending to be civilized lowlanders.

If Albron's right, the Arums don't like to get involved in religious wars, so we'll have to invent something political for their entertainment.

Give me half an hour and a little room and I'll mobilize the Arums with my voice alone.

What I'm getting at is would the Arums believe that it'd take that many soldiers to run all over just one city?

Didn't you hear Albron when he said that Arums don't get mixed up in wars that're based on religion?

He was a somber man dressed in leather, and he wore snug leather trousers rather than the traditional kilt of most Arums.

We Arums are the finest warriors in the world, but are we really ready for that kind of war?