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arum lily

n. Any of several flowering plants, of the family Araceae, but especially (taxlink Zantedeschia aethiopica species noshow=1), the calla lily that has a showy white spathe

arum lily

n. South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix [syn: calla lily, calla, Zantedeschia aethiopica]

Usage examples of "arum lily".

I saw a place in the forest close by here where they feed each night on the tubers of the arum lily plant.

She wore a filthy nightgown and, from its bosom, what seemed like an arum lily peered out.

Stepping back a pace, and with a small gasp like the cooing of a dove, the object of their attention held out a reproachful hand, soft and white as the poisonous spathe of the arum lily.

Their skin, never touched by the sun, was snowy white and strangely delicate-looking, like the smooth petals of the arum lily.

In place of the grim ranks of serried warriors were company after company of Kukuana girls, not over-dressed, so far as clothing went, but each crowned with a wreath of flowers, and holding a palm leaf in one hand and a white arum lily in the other.