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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Artow \Ar"tow\ A contraction of art thou. [Obs.]


contraction (context obsolete English) art thou

Usage examples of "artow".

It is very powerful, though, and carries its heavy artows accurately to a great distance.

To asken help thee shameth in thyn herte, If thou noon aske, so soore artow ywoundid That verray nede unwrappeth al thy wounde hid.

O Lucifer, brightest of aungels alle, Now artow Sathanas, that mayst nat twynne Out of miserie, in which that thou art falle.

I loved hir first, and tolde thee my wo As to my conseil, and to my brother sworn, To forthre me as I have toold biforn, For which thou art ybounden as a knyght To helpen me, if it lay in thy myght, Or elles artow fals, I dar wel seyn.

Sour is thy breeth, foul artow to embrace, And thurgh thy dronke nose semeth the soun, As though thow seydest ay, "Sampsoun!