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n. (plural of artilleryman English)

Usage examples of "artillerymen".

The French attack did, at least, stop the Riflemen firing at the gunners, and those artillerymen who survived crawled out from the shelter of their limbers to continue the loading.

The artillerymen were using a sling-cart that had a lifting frame bolted to its bed.

The artillerymen wrecked the wheels and spiked the vents of their old guns, then dragged away their new weapons, each of which displayed a neatly stenciled legend on its trail: PROPERTY OF THE USA.

Annette remembered his kindness to the artillerymen posted along the shore westward of Crikswich, though she could recall no sign of remorse.

The artillerymen worked with great vigour, and were only obliged to desist by an unexpected order which arrived about two p.

They seemed as surprised as the gunners and sat on their horses staring at the slaughtered artillerymen as if not believing their eyes.

The surviving artillerymen took one look at the seeming dead who had come to life, and fled.

Simmerson and Forrest appeared, both on foot, and stared at the artillerymen filling their buckets.

A number of boys, an old soldier, several artillerymen from the pretty and absolutely useless fort, a priest and a female vendor of oranges put themselves out so much as to congregate in a little knot at the spot where Conyngham landed.

The infantry would be in line of battle, the cavalry mounted, and the artillerymen standing by their guns, ready to open at the instant with grape and canister.

Outside, the Rebel, infantry was standing in the rifle pits, the artillerymen were in place about their loaded and trained pieces, the No.

The artillerymen tried to fire on us when we were so close we could lay our hands on the guns.

The French artillerymen, stunned, deafened and half blinded by their own firing, had still not seen the small slaughter at the gate.

They were in square, which made them a tempting target for the French artillerymen, and they dared not relinquish the formation for fear of the French cavalry that watched them like hawks.

The leading horses cleared the gun smoke to see the French artillerymen running desperately for the safety of the infantry behind.