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n. (plural of artillerist English)

Usage examples of "artillerists".

We sent word to our faithful artillerists, who trained the gun upon the house.

I understand your concerns, Tzu Hsuang, but I assure you that my artillerists will not make a mistake.

I turned from watching the Rebel artillerists, whose intentions gave me more uneasiness than anything else, and looked in the direction indicated by the speaker.

And the artillerists are standing rock-firm on the last jot and tittle of their damned contract and refusing to serve guns or to fight anyplace save in that fortress or on the city walls.

To bring the field-pieces to bear upon the low grounds which they occupied, was to expose the artillerists, upon the elevated banks which they occupied, to the deliberate and fatal fire of the riflemen.

Orders were dispatched to them to halt, form, and march up, whilst the artillerists were summoned to the howitzer, and the fatigue party to the destruction of the bridge.

Armstrong, followed close by his section, dashed over the bridge and drove the artillerists from the gun.

Drawn by lowing, steaming oxen on log sledges, or huge, creaking wains, bombards captured from the French Crusaders were arriving at the average rate of three per day, each escorted by mounted artillerists and dragoons.

Drawn by lowing, steaming oxen on log sledges, or huge, creaking, wains, bombards captured from the French Crusaders were arriving at the average rate of three per day, each escorted by mounted artillerists and dragoons.