Crossword clues for articulately
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Articulately \Ar*tic"u*late*ly\, adv.
After the manner, or in the form, of a joint.
Article by article; in distinct particulars; in detail; definitely.
--Paley.I had articulately set down in writing our points.
--Fuller. With distinct utterance of the separate sounds.
adv. In an articulate manner.
adv. with eloquence; "he expressed his ideas eloquently" [syn: eloquently] [ant: ineloquently, ineloquently]
in an articulate manner; "he argued articulately for his plan" [syn: eloquently] [ant: inarticulately]
Usage examples of "articulately".
Given this set-up you can imagine the struggle that has gone on between the blimpocracy, wanting a parade-ground army of pre-1914 type, and the rank and file wanting, though less articulately, a more democratic type of force specializing in guerilla methods and weapons.
I should say that what they articulately want is more social equality, a complete clean-out of the political leadership, an aggressive war strategy and a tighter alliance with the U.
When we have once become articulately conscious of existing, it is an easy matter to begin doubting whether we exist at all.
As the fish in the sea, or the bird in the air, so unreasoningly and inarticulately safe must a man feel before he can be said to know.
There is no man in the whole world who knows consciously and articulately as much as a half-hatched hen’s egg knows unconsciously.
Our semi-simious ancestors could gesticulate long before they could talk articulately.
Our impulsive belief is here always what sets up the original body of truth, and our articulately verbalized philosophy is but its showy translation into formulas.
The story of that great epoch is all there in the Residenz, told as articulately as a palace can.
Stanton Samenow has so articulately stated, people don’t act out of character.
So Ginger explained and expressed herself articulately and compellingly as was her way.
He felt inarticulately that something horrible was happening to the world.
All the way down-stairs Audrey was praying, not articulately, but in her heart, that this was indeed the end.
Hard to believe that the former Miss Teen Lubbock could be so articulately bitchy.
Tonight with Sue as an attentive audience, he never missed the punch line, never failed to emphasize a climax articulately, and never wanted for an appreciative laugh.