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adv. (context obsolete English) afterwards

Usage examples of "arterwards".

Weller, 'I'd just have a good night's rest arterwards, and not begin inquiring arter this here deep 'un till the mornin'.

Pison yourself, Samivel, my boy, pison yourself, and you'll be glad on it arterwards.

Business first, pleasure arterwards, as King Richard the Third said when he stabbed the t'other king in the Tower, afore he smothered the babbies.

I think I can see him now, a-coming up the Strand between the two street-keepers, a little sobered by the bruising, with a patch o' winegar and brown paper over his right eyelid, and that 'ere lovely bulldog, as pinned the little boy arterwards, a-following at his heels.

These are nice times, brother, to have the dead crying out against us in this way, and sleep comfortably in our beds arterwards.

Well, the boy eats and eats till he can't eat no longer, and then he gets sick at his stomach, and hates the very sight of sweetmeats arterwards.

If you are off too quick, you have to pull up and turn back agin, and your beast gets out of wind and is baffled, and if you lose in the start you hain't got a fair chance arterwards, and are plaguy apt to be jockied in the course.

Chickweed had been robbed by the devil, who was playing tricks with him arterwards.

I swore arterwards, sure as ever I spec'lated and got rich, you should get rich.

These are nice times, brother, to have the dead crying out against us in this way, and sleep comfortably in our beds arterwards.

If I answer in that tune, you sheer off, my lad, and come back four-and-twenty hours arterwards.

Will you come down of your own self, arterwards, pretty, or shall Ed'ard Cuttle come and fetch you?

I swore arterwards, sure as ever I spec’lated and got rich, you should get rich.