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n. (plural of artefact English)

Usage examples of "artefacts".

Pavlov, what Skinner was doing was emptying organisms of their biology, turning them into little more than artefacts, robots to be manipulated - trained - by the psychologist.

A time capsule was buried, packed with artefacts of our time for the benefit of those in the far future -who, astonishingly, might not know much about the people of 1939.

In the early 1960s, I urged that we be attentive to the possibility of finding the artefacts of ancient civilizations, either those indigenous to a given worlds or those constructed by visitors from elsewhere.

If there were real artefacts, physicists and chemists would be fighting for the privilege of discovering that there are aliens among us who use, say, unknown alloys, or materials of extraordinary tensile strength or ductility or conductivity.

He stepped into the floor proper and strolled by the cases with early Christian artefacts in them.