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vb. (en-third-person singular of: arrive)

Usage examples of "arrives".

If there was, indeed, much more wickedness in the world than there is, it would not prove such general assertions against human nature, since much of this arrives by mere accident, and many a man who commits evil is not totally bad and corrupt in his heart.

Here I shall remain till the hour of my deliverance arrives, and that, in all human probability, will be the hour of my death.

September will, therefore, be the conclusion of the term agreed on, and till that time arrives -- and it is the advice of a gentleman which I am about to give you -- till then we will refrain from growling and barking like two dogs chained within sight of each other.

When I need your assistance, and the moment arrives, I will come to you, count.

I have not manifested the slightest opposition, and yet I am always sure, when the opportunity arrives, to oppose a determined and absolute will to people who have not consulted me, and things which displease me.

Before the conversation arrives at this point, both gentleman and lady are in convulsions of laughter.

Blue Moranth, who ply the seas and sink nets into the deep trenchestheir catch arrives upon the deck already dead.

Make sure Nora has my telephone numbers, though, and explain that she must ring me if Jim arrives on the scene.

Even so, after all these months of tension, all this talk and campaigning, all the space devoted in newspapers to the Peruvian elections, a visitor to Lima arrives with a feeling that there is bound to be some evidence that the whole thing was a bust -- that it was all a put-up job, because the Armed Forces did exactly what they said they were going to do all along.

I am about to head for his training camp in the Poconos one more time when word arrives that he has broken camp for good.

Lord, that a month hence, unless some help arrives, we shall find ourselves still on the banks of the Snowy.