Crossword clues for arrester
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Arrester \Ar*rest"er\, n.
One who arrests.
(Scots Law) The person at whose suit an arrestment is made. [Also written arrestor.]
n. 1 One who places under arrest. 2 A device that stops or prevents, as a ''spark arrester'' that prevents sparks from being released to start fires.
n. a restraint that slows airplanes as they land on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier [syn: arrester hook]
Arrester may refer to:
- Lightning arrester
- Arrestor bed (disambiguation)
- Surge arrester
Usage examples of "arrester".
The plane’s tailhook caught an arrester wire, and the machine jerked to a stop.
The first arrester wire snagged the bomber’s tailhook, and the plane jerked to a stop.
He brought the fighter’s nose up and the tail down, as if he were out to snag an arrester cable on a carrier deck.
The tailhook missed the first arrester wire, but caught the second one.
More than enough time to unhook the Skyhawk from the arrester wire, fold each wing in two places, unlock the twin tail booms, swing the rear section downwards and underneath the wings, and run the resulting package onto the starboard bow lift.
The second Skyhawk landed on, bonking down hard on its nose wheel as the arrester wire brought it rapidly to a halt.
Throttling back to twenty miles an hour for the final approach, Gus skimmed along the rear section of the train, engaged the arrester wire and touched down on the roof decking of the flight-car.
The plump rear tyres flattened under the impact, then the nose-wheel hit with its usual jarring thud as the aircraft rolled forward nose down under the braking action of the arrester wire.
He skimmed along the tail of the wagon train, 'landing on' just ninety seconds after Gus's arrester hook had engaged the wire.
He bounced when he hit, so that the Zero’s hook missed the first arrester wire.
With one hand he cut the throttles all the way back, then flicked on the Viking's external lights and dropped the arrester hook to signal the deck crew that he was in trouble.
Then the Tomcat slammed into the deck at one hundred thirty knots, the arrester hook snagging the number-three wire in a perfect night trap as Tombstone first rammed the throttles forward, then brought them back to idle.
The leak from their minds indicated a simple capture, but then he saw an arrester slide from his cousin Rabdan's wrist sheath.
The silvery disk of the arrester rolled from Rabdan's hand, and Tach leaped for it.
Rabdan's hand came out of his tunic with the flat black glint of an arrester.