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n. (plural of arquebusier English)

Usage examples of "arquebusiers".

Every other gun of the starboard batteries was fired, directly at the French gunports, then, while swivels, slingpieces, and other smaller ordnance swept the decks from rails to both castles and fighting-tops, with arquebusiers and archers adding their ounces of lead and feathered shafts to the deadly sleet, brawny arms whirled the grapnels about to gain momentum, then hurled them across the narrow space to thud onto decks and sink their points deeply into rails and coamings, ladders and woodwork.

Leopoldo, on foot among his arquebusiers, watched as it began going wrong.

And the arquebusiers on the other side of the flames were making a very orderly retreat.

Out of range of the arquebusiers on the walls, the Croats and Hungarians milled about ineffectually.

While the conflict between the pikemen was going on the English arquebusiers opened fire on the flank of the enemy, and they began to fall back.

Every other gun of the starboard batteries was fired, directly at the French gunports, then, while swivels, sling pieces, and other smaller ordnance swept the decks from rails to both castles and fighting-tops, with arquebusiers and archers adding their ounces of lead and feathered shafts to the deadly sleet, brawny arms whirled the grapnels about to gain momentum, then hurled them across the narrow space to thud onto decks and sink their points deeply into rails and coamings, ladders and woodwork.

Which should have been, thought Foster, more than enough to subdue an impoverished pocket principalityfive hundred cavalrymen, three thousand infantry and arquebusiers or crossbowmen, eight large bombards, and probably three or four times that number of smaller cannon, plus the inevitable catapults and spear throwers.

Abdullah thought flittingly of rendering the former mercenary a military salute, but as he was not at all certain just what all of the arquebusiers and calivermen might do if he drew free his blade, he settled for making a leg, sweeping his hat plume across the grass matting that covered the floor.