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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Arnica acaulis

leopardbane \leop"ard*bane\ (l[e^]p"[~e]rd*b[=a]n`), n. Any of several herbs of the genus Doronicum (as Doronicum acaule syn. Arnica acaulis) having alternate often clasping stem leaves cultivated for their long stalks of yellow flower heads. See leopard's bane.

Syn: leopard's-bane, leopard's bane.

false" leop`ard*bane (f[add]ls" l[e^]p`[~e]rd*b[=a]n`), n. Any of several herbs of the genus Doronicum, such as the great false leopardbane ( Doronicum pardalianches) of North America and the oriental false leopardbane ( Doronicum orientale syn. Doronicum caucasicum).

Arnica acaulis

leopard's bane \leop"ard's bane`\ (l[e^]p"[~e]rdz b[=a]n`) n. (Bot.) A name of several harmless plants, as Arnica montana ( Arnica acaulis syn. Doronicum acaule), Senecio Doronicum, and Paris quadrifolia.

Syn: leopardbane, leopard's-bane.

Arnica acaulis

Arnica acaulis is a North American species of plants in the sunflower family, known by the common name Common leopardbane. It is native to the southeastern and east-central parts of the United States, from Alabama and Florida north to New Jersey and Pennsylvania.