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army engineer

n. a member of the military who is trained in engineering and construction work [syn: military engineer]

Usage examples of "army engineer".

The Army Engineer had been only too enthusiastic about turning his base into a giant fortress.

Some Army engineer had put a field electric heater at his feet and he was warming his hands in its red light.

An ex-army engineer and Manny Weingrass even did a number on them.

On the Yurig-shun job, on which Renny had been supervising engineer, French had been with the army engineer group assigned to the project.

The area beyond was an abandoned training ground of the war, part of more than 8,000,000 acres in the United States which had been rendered useless until decontaminated by the hazardous efforts of army engineer specialists.

You know, I suppose, that Wright was originally an Army engineer, stationed over in -- well, I guess it was called Europe.

Her late father was an Army engineer who, having been seconded to the Canal, took early retirement to become a servant of the Canal Company.