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The Collaborative International Dictionary

armor-clad \armor-clad\ armor-plated \armor-plated\ armour-plated \armour-plated\ armour-clad \armour-clad\adj. 1. 1 protected with a covering of armor.

Syn: steel-plated.


a. Covered with a hard steel plate, especially vehicles, boats, and defenses. alt. Covered with a hard steel plate, especially vehicles, boats, and defenses.


adj. covered with heavy steel; "armor-plated vehicles" [syn: armor-clad, armour-clad, armour-plated, steel-plated]

Usage examples of "armor-plated".

Hatches were clanked shut and Rebels moved into position behind the steel and armor-plated monsters.

He was lying on his hard, as it were armor-plated, back and when he lifted his head a little he could see his domelike brown belly divided into stiff arched segments on top of which the bed quilt could hardly keep in position and was about to slide off completely.

They looked like giant spiders, huge millipedes, armor-plated lizards and flying scorpions.

With the turretlike armor-plated jacket and a steel helmet big enough to accommodate both his sound-powered phones and his large, many-chinned, round bead, the bosun would look like a big armor-plated toad back there on his ammo crate.

Banbury Valley they flew north and east aboard the Shark, a thundering colossus of black armor-plated weaponry.

The vehicle shuddered every few seconds as predators crashed against its hull, and conditions were so cramped that if the Chalder moved at all everyone but the armor-plated Hudlar would have been mashed flat.

Radiator and hood were armor-plated, and there was dual ignition, anyway.

But the other male courtiers and high army officers who streamed out of the palace were impeccably full-dressed in brilliant uniforms—Hussar pink and sky blue, Tirolean Rifle silver green, Arciere Guard crimson and gold—and were very nearly armor-plated with the quantities of medals overlapping on their breasts.

Not just ordinary Chaika limousines but the Presidium's Zils, armor-plated and spiked with antennae.

But as the long black armor-plated limousine arrived with President Jiang Zemin, a military band drowned out the demonstrators with the national anthems of both the United States and China.

But Radcliff had managed to close the limousine's door and the slugs only ricocheted off armor-plated panels.

Only the near-solid breaks of bestos, the rocky soil here on the summit plateau, and the hogback ridges running like armor-plated vertebrae northeast from here keep the teslas at bay.