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n. (plural of armhole English)

Usage examples of "armholes".

He stood in the middle of the floor with his thumbs hooked into the armholes of his red brocade waistcoat, trying to add restrictions and generally making a nuisance of himself.

But Kate was between them, helping her to find the armholes, settling the coat gently on to her shoulders, nudging her towards the door, deflecting, placating.

With fingers in the armholes of his vest, with shoulders back and chest expanded, he bowed with smiling eyes to the platform, to the crowded room, to the ladies at his right, and as he bowed there was stir and rustle and the straining forward of necks and heads.

He ran up the bare broad stairs, and Dawney followed leisurely, his thumbs hooked in the armholes of his waistcoat, and his head thrown back.

In the road he came on Dawney, who was turning in between the poplars, with thumbs as usual hooked in the armholes of his waistcoat.

I pulled the blue knitted fabric over her head, fed her hands through the armholes, tugged the hem down to her knees and concentrated moderately successfully on my own nonarousal.

I held the supple black material for him while he slid his arms through the armholes and fastened the front from waist to neck with a zip.

I slid my shaking hands through the armholes and wrapped the straps tightly in my fingers.

He was wearing an oversized Tech sweatshirt and flip flops His eyes were bleary, and she noticed that his arms were not in the armholes of the sweatshirt.

They sew up the sides leaving a few inches for the armholes, stitch the neck circle and put a hem at the bottom.