ArmComedy is an Armenian comedy show first aired on March 2012. It is aired thrice a week on ArmNews TV channel. Started as a satirical news website it later evolved into a web series on CivilNet Internet TV channel. After two years creators of the show were invited to expand to network television. " ArmComedy became the "first satiric news show in Armenia dripped in political humor and wit, reporting the real news with a different perspective.". Every episode of ArmComedy is written and hosted by Armenian comedians Narek Margaryan and Sergey Sargsyan,
Notable guests- Armen Ashotyan, Minister of Education and Science of Armenia
- Alexander Arzoumanian, politician
- Batman, fictional
- Paruyr Hayrikyan, politician
- Raffi Hovannisian, politician
- Conan O'Brien, American comedian
- Levon Oganezov, Russian filmmaker of Armenian origin
- Nikol Pashinyan, politician
- Gor Sujyan, singer
- Arto Tunçboyacıyan, singer