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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Aristophanic \Ar`is*to*phan"ic\, a. Of or pertaining to Aristophanes, the Athenian comic poet.

Usage examples of "aristophanic".

Hence the Jacobean plays that seem most satiric are those which retain the strongest elements of the Aristophanic pattern.

Jonson combines this modified Aristophanic pattern with the exploitation of particular jargons and general discursive models.

It adopts the standard Aristophanic pattern in which an unofficial hero, a marginal member of society, undertakes an illegitimate and metaphoric plot by virtue of which he will not only triumph personally but perversely correct the central social problem that regular, non-comedic society has been unable to solve.

But the Aristophanic plot suggests that evil will comically triumph, that two wrongs will not make a right but will substitute for it in a world where right does not triumph anyway.

The interpretation of unresolved satiric performances in a real sense repeats the Aristophanic pattern of lodging its real subjects beyond the stage itself.

DeLillo has no time for anarchic pratfalls, Aristophanic gambits, non sequiturs.