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n. (plural of aristocrat English)

Aristocrats (TV series)

Aristocrats is a 1999 television series based on the biography by Stella Tillyard of the five aristocratic Lennox sisters in 18th century England. The series consists of six episodes of 50 minutes each and was first broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC, starting on 20 June 1999. It was a co-production between the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Republic of Ireland.

Usage examples of "aristocrats".

The daughters of Macedonian aristocrats, they had been given to Cleopatra when all three were small children, to be the royal companions of the second daughter of King Ptolemy Auletes and Queen Cleopatra Tryphaena, a daughter of King Mithridates of Pontus by his queen.

Uncle Fortian conversed in a low whisper with Uncle Matten while bending his cold and haughty gaze on a couple of young aristocrats in the opposite box.

The vast room of aristocrats bowing low, their satins and velvets rustling like trees in a wind, never failed to remind her that she was only an orphan of no importance.

Sure enough, when Wren got to the door, she saw that none of the young aristocrats were paying her the least heed.

Mistress Thule was in charge of overseeing the training sessions for the young palace aristocrats, which meant she selected the instructors and sometimes watched the practice sessions.

Connor spoke again, this time sounding exactly like one of the young aristocrats at court.

But as some plebeians gained money and power, and forced their way into Senate and curule chair, they wanted to be aristocrats too.

And vowed that one day he would have all those high-and-mighty aristocrats on the hop, needing him more than he needed them.

Alone among the aristocrats of Rome who knew him, she understood from whence he had come, and understood too the terrible difficulties his nature and his upbringing had thrust upon him.

And how soon, I wondered, before the glossy became commonplace, the Classic winners a routine, the aristocrats the common herd.