Aripanthan ( Urdu;) is a village and panchayat halqa in Beerwah tehsil of Budgam district in Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir. Aripanthan is situated at the centre of tehsil Beerwah and tehsil Magam.It is located about 27 km west from state's summer capital Srinagar and about 28 km north from district headquarters in Budgam.
The place is believed to be the land of the three upper castes of " Aryas", Brahman, Kshatriya and Vaishya in ancient times. Thus in Sanskrit the Aripanthan means, the place of Ariyans.
Besides this the village has also been believed to be the place of people coming from Achaemenid region centered on the Herat city of present-day western Afghanistan.