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Arinos |----- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"


Minas Gerais |----- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"


5,339 km² |----- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"


17,592 (IBGE 2007) |----- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"


509 m above sea level |----- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"

Postcode (CEP):

38680-000 |----- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"

Became a city:

1962 |----- bgcolor="#FFFFFF" |----- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"

IBGE statistical microregion:

Unaí Microregion |----- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"


Carlos Alberto Rech Filho (2005-2009) |----- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"


|----- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"


|----- bgcolor="#FFFFFF"

Arinos is a municipality in northern Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Arinos is located west of the Federal District on the Urucuia River, a major tributary of the São Francisco. The city is 333 km. from Brasília

The municipality belongs to the statistical microregion of Unaí Microregion, which has 9 municipalities. Neighboring municipalities are:

  • North: Formosa
  • West: Buritis and Unaí
  • East: Urucuia and Chapada Gaúcha

Arinos has poor highway connections leading east to the Sao Francisco river and to the state capital of Belo Horizonte, but a better road leading west to the national capital of Brasília. Few of the roads in the town are paved. There is a fully paved road (BR-479) leading west to Cabeceiras to join the important BR-020, 22 kilometers east of Formosa. The distance is approximately 165 kilometers. Another paved road leads west, then southwest to Garapuava, and continues southwest to the important regional center of Unaí.