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vb. (present participle of argufy English)

Usage examples of "argufying".

But argufying with a ticklish female don't do a bit of good, so I gave over.

And, although I fetched the lad a clout, I don't see as how you can blame him, for, let alone he's a gormless chawbacon, you couldn't hardly expect him to start argufying with Mr Torquil.

That night the Captain came and Joe sent her to bed, and the last thing she heard was the two argufying.

Seems to me it's likely as not it happened the way you say it did, miss, but there's no sense in argufying, whatever the rights of it may be.

Even your friends have behaved very stiff to me, and I don’t doubt but what they’d say it was my doing you wouldn’t have anything to do with this girl, and that won’t suit me, my lord, and no amount of argufying will make me say different!

He started with what he called a proverb of the law, and repeated it so many times, I think I can never forget it, for it seemed to be the hook he hung all his argufying upon.