Crossword clues for argues
vb. (en-third-person singular of: argue)
Usage examples of "argues".
As with reforming the sanctions, there is a school of thought that argues that if the United States were willing to threaten a full-scale invasion of Iraq, both the Iraqis and their advocates in the United Nations would be willing to accept a robust inspections regime as their only alternative.
His track record argues that if we allow him to acquire nuclear weapons, we are likely to find ourselves in a new crisis with him in which we will not be able to predict what he will do, and his personality and his history can only lead us to expect the worst.
The bottom line is simply that the importance of speed to this campaign argues against a lengthy preparatory bombardment.
Kandel argues that the interactions and responses of these neurons to artificially administered neurotransmitters represent, in ultimately reduced form, the memory for the reflex itself.
Latour argues, the student or post-doc may be no more than just another part of the necessary lab equipment.
I am not referring here to that philosophical tradition which argues that the only true knowledge can be of my own interior world, of percepts and the present instant of consciousness which illuminates them, but to something more troubling.
The DSS argues that it can no longer afford such costly and time-consuming procedures.
It argues well for a prince when he feels thatcan you imagine Rinhoel or Chiana regretting the necessity of killing, for instance?