Argentino may refer to:
- Argentine argentino, a former Argentine currency
- Lake Argentino, a lake in the Andes in Patagonia
- Argentino de Quilmes, an Argentine association futbol club
- Argentino de Rosario, an Argentine association futbol club
- Club Argentino de Rugby, an Argentine rugby union futbol club
- Argentino, a citizen of Argentina
Usage examples of "argentino".
Neither had he neglected to ascertain the name of the piece to be played that night at the Teatro Argentino, and also what performers appeared in it.
Teatro Argentino, then he should be able to establish his identity, and also to prosecute his researches respecting him with perfect facility and freedom.
Colosseum, and the occupant of the box at the Teatro Argentino, but also his extraordinary host of Monte Cristo.
Gracias al encomiable celo de nuestro embajador, el doctor Melazat, el gobierno argentino fue el primero en aceptar la desinteresada oferta.
At the time of writing this article these ice-fields have never been crossed, although the southernmost field has recently been penetrated to some distance by expeditions working in from Lake Argentino and Lake Viedma.
Angel opines that he is none other than one of the famous Defensores Argentinos, on loan to our Emperor from the Emperor of the Argentinas and traveling secretly, incognito and in a most roundabout route to meet with his new master.
Concretando: Fainberg es un muchacho que no está en el ambiente y que piensa que el mundo gira en torno de su baúl cerrado con llave, pero que en un momento de apuro no es capaz de facilitar a un argentino un peso con cuarenta y cinco centavos.