Crossword clues for arethusa
The Collaborative International Dictionary
n. A bog orchid, of the genus (taxlink Arethusa genus noshow=1 nomul=1), having a magenta flower; the (vern dragon's mouth pedia=1).
n. any of several bog orchids of the genus Arethusa having 1 or 2 showy flowers
Arethusa may refer to:
Arethusa is an academic journal established in 1967. It covers the field of Classics using an interdisciplinary approach incorporating contemporary theoretical perspectives and more traditional approaches to literary and material evidence. It frequently features issues focused on a theme related the classical world. The current Editor in chief of the journal is Martha Malamud ( SUNY Buffalo). The journal is named for the mythical nymph Arethusa and published three times each year in January, May, and September by the Johns Hopkins University Press.
Arethusa means "the waterer". In Greek mythology, she was a nymph and daughter of Nereus (making her a Nereid), who fled from her home in Arcadia beneath the sea and came up as a fresh water fountain on the island of Ortygia in Syracuse, Sicily.
As a patron figure of Syracuse, the head of Arethusa surrounded by dolphins was the usual obverse of their coins. They are regarded as among the most famous and beautiful Ancient Greek coins. Apart from retellings by classical authors including Ovid and Virgil, Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote a poem on Arethusa in 1820.
The myth of her transformation begins in Arcadia when she came across a clear stream and began bathing, not knowing it was the river god Alpheus, who flowed down from Arcadia through Elis to the sea. He fell in love during their encounter, but she fled after discovering his presence and intentions, as she wished to remain a chaste attendant of Artemis. After a long chase, she prayed to her goddess to ask for protection. Artemis hid her in a cloud, but Alpheus was persistent. She began to perspire profusely from fear, and soon transformed into a stream. Artemis then broke the ground allowing Arethusa another attempt to flee. Her stream traveled under the sea to the island of Ortygia, but Alpheus flowed through the sea to reach her and mingle with her waters. Virgil augurs for Arethusa a salt-free passage beneath the sea on the condition that, before departing, she grant him songs about troubled loves, not those in her own future, but those of Virgil's friend and contemporary, the poet Cornelius Gallus, whom Virgil imagines dying from unrequited love beneath the famous mountains of Arcadia, Maenalus and Lycaeus.
During Demeter's search for her daughter Persephone, Arethusa entreated Demeter to discontinue her punishment of Sicily for her daughter's disappearance. She told the goddess that while traveling in her stream below the earth, she saw her daughter looking sad as the queen of Hades.
The Roman writer Ovid called Arethusa by the name "Alpheias", because her stream was believed to have a subterranean communication with the river Alpheius, in Peloponnesus.
Arethusa was an ancient Greek city, colony of Chalcis in easternmost Mygdonia, north of Stageira, near to Bolbe Lake, Rhechius river and Bromiscus. It is considered the burial place of Euripides.
Usage examples of "arethusa".
Their names were Isis, Amphitrite, Hebe, Pandora, Psyche, Thetis, Pomona, Daphne, Clytie, Galatea and Arethusa.
In Sicily we delayed a few days to explore the mystery of the Syracusan springs, Arethusa and Cyane, fair nymphs of blue waters.
Silver-sandalled Arethusa Not more swiftly fled the sands, Fled the plains and fled the sunlights, Fled the murmuring ocean strands.
Alpheus and Arethusa,--nothing was thrown into the one without being seen very shortly afterwards floating upon the other.
Yes, Arethusa herself and Pandora, whom we all know by her box, looked down upon the two new managers of the Opera, who ended by clutching at some piece of wreckage and from there stared silently at Box Five on the grand tier.
Now it means an orchid, Arethusa Bulbosawhich you have to admit is a pretty accurate descriptionand the books say that orchid is characterized by a 'solitary rose-purple flower fringed with yellow.
I could see both Arethusas: one of them moved her chin up slightly, the other down.
I felt my grip firm up, knew that come hell or high water I could hold him for the second it would take Arethusa Two to put her .
He gets to the point, conceptually, where his grandfather was when he commenced breaking the Arethusa messages.
He sets aside (for example) a box labeled HARVARD-WATERHOUSE PRIME FACTOR CHALLENGE '49-52 to reveal a stack of bricks, neatly wrapped in paper that has gone gold with age, each consisting of a short stack of ETC cards, and each labeled ARETHUSA INTERCEPTS with a date from 1944 or '45.
A moment later, when the Arethusa had followed his recaptors into the farther part of the house, the Cigarette found himself alone with his coffee in a ring of empty chairs and tables, all the lusty sportsmen huddled into corners, all their clamorous voices hushed in whispering, all their eyes shooting at him furtively as at a leper.
Under these safeguards, portly clergymen, school-mistresses, gentlemen in grey tweed suits, and all the ruck and rabble of British touristry pour unhindered, Murray in hand, over the railways of the Continent, and yet the slim person of the Arethusa is taken in the meshes, while these great fish go on their way rejoicing.
For you and Cantrell and those others to spend that entire time yammering about Arethusa would be more than he could bear.