The Collaborative International Dictionary
Aread \A*read"\, Areed \A*reed"\, v. t. [OE. areden, AS.
To tell, declare, explain, or interpret; to divine; to guess; as, to aread a riddle or a dream. [Obs.]
Therefore more plain aread this doubtful case.
--Spenser. To read. [Obs.]
To counsel, advise, warn, or direct.
But mark what I aread thee now. Avaunt!
--Milton. To decree; to adjudge. [Archaic]
--Ld. Lytton.
vb. 1 (context obsolete English) To soothsay, prophesy. (11th-17th c.) 2 (context obsolete English) To interpret; to explain. (11th-19th c.) 3 (context obsolete English) To advise, counsel. (16th-17th c.)
Usage examples of "aread".
Therefore since mine he is, or free or bond,Or false or trew, or liuing or else dead,Withhold, O soueraine Prince, your hasty hondFrom knitting league with him, I you aread.
Him als accompanyd vpon the wayA comely Palmer, clad in blacke attire,Of ripest yeares, and haires all hoarie gray,That with a staffe his feeble steps did stire,Least his long way his aged limbes should tire:And if by lookes one may the mind aread,He seemd to be a sage and sober sire,And euer with slow pace the knight did lead,Who taught his trampling steed with equall steps to tread.
Ah gentle knight (said then Sir Satyrane)Thy labour all is lost, I greatly dread,That hast a thanklesse seruice on thee ta'ne,And offrest sacrifice vnto the dead:For dead, I surely doubt, thou maist areadHenceforth for euer Florimell to be.
Daunger without discretion to attempt,Inglorious and beastlike is: therefore Sir knight,Aread what course of you is safest dempt,And how we with our foe may come to fight.
To whom thus Britomart, Certes Sir knight,What is of her become, or whether reft,I can not vnto you aread a right.
Dread Souerayne Goddesse, that doest highest sitIn seate of iudgement, in th'Almighties stead,And with magnificke might and wondrous witDoest to thy people righteous doome aread,That furthest Nations filles with awfull dread,Pardon the boldnesse of thy basest thrall,That dare discourse of so diuine a read,As thy great iustice praysed ouer all:The instrument whereof loe here thy Artegall.
But now aread, Sir Sergis, how long space,Hath he her lent, a Champion to prouide?
But sith that he is gone irreuocable,Please it you Ladie, to vs to aread,What cause could make him so dishonourable,To driue you so on foot vnfit to tread,And lackey by him, gainst all womanhead?
Whom when as Turpin saw so loosely layd,He weened well, that he in deed was dead,Like as that other knight to him had sayd:But when he nigh approcht, he mote areadPlaine signes in him of life and liuelihead.