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Ardra may refer to:

  • Ardra (nakshatra) is the Goddess of good luck and fortune in Hindu mythology, and a nakshatra associated with the star Betelgeuse in Indian astronomy
  • Great Ardra, an African settlement in former Dahomey (now Benin), centered in the current town of Allada
  • Little Ardra, an African settlement in former Dahomey, centered on the current city of Porto-Novo (Benin's current capital city)
  • Ardra (Star Trek), a character in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "Devil's Due"
  • Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis, a molecular biology technique
Ardra (nakshatra)

Ardra is the name of a nákṣatra in Hindu astrology, the sixth depending on numbering scheme used. The Sanskrit name Ārdrā translates to "green" or "the moist one". It is associated with the star Betelgeuse (α Ori). The Ardra nakshatra extends from 06 degrees 40 minutes to 20 degrees 00 minutes of Mithun (Gemini).

The Hindu myth associated to Ardra is that of Tārakā. Tārakā is an asura who is granted invulnerability by Brahma.

The presiding deity is Rudra, its symbol is a teardrop, the ruling planet is Rahu. In Tamil and Malayalam, Ardra is referred to as Tiruvātirai and Tiruvātira respectively.

Ardra :- It lies completely in Gemini and the ruling planet is Rahu, hence it is a Mercury+Rahu combination. It can be considered as the combination of intellectual feeling with passionate thinking. The deity is ‘Rudra’, the God of destruction and it renders this quality in the native. ‘Ardra’ means moist or wet. It is symbolized as a teardrop. As Rahu is the ruling planet the darker side of keen desire of materialism, causing troubles for others. Thunder power can make a person violent by nature. Native of ‘Ardra’ can be complaining and ungrateful.The animal symbol is female dog (bitch) again confirming violence. This is a ‘teekshna Sangyak’ Nakshatra, leading to destructive acts. Modern match making points often ensure that Ardra be matched only with Mula due to their compatibility and the long lives they will live as their relationships will last more than any other combination.