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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Arboreous \Ar*bo"re*ous\, a. [L. arboreous, fr. arbor tree.]

  1. Having the form, constitution, or habits, of a proper tree, in distinction from a shrub.

  2. Pertaining to, or growing on, trees; as, arboreous moss.


a. 1 woody (as opposed to herbaceous). 2 wooded, covered with trees.

  1. adj. inhabiting or frequenting trees; "arboreal apes" [syn: arboreal, tree-living] [ant: nonarboreal]

  2. abounding in trees; "an arboreous landscape"; "violets in woodsy shady spots"; "a woody area near the highway" [syn: arboraceous, woodsy, woody]

  3. resembling a tree in form and branching structure; "arborescent coral found off the coast of Bermuda"; "dendriform sponges" [syn: arboreal, arborescent, arboresque, arboriform, dendriform, dendroid, dendroidal, treelike, tree-shaped]

Usage examples of "arboreous".

Both Woola and I had several narrow escapes from these greedy, arboreous monsters.