Usage examples of "araw".
Pwyll sah in seine eigenen grauen Augen, und Arawn sah ihn mit ihnen an.
Arawn mein Bruder solche Gemeinheiten an sich hat, dann sind es welche aus seiner Welt, nicht aus meiner!
For us, the flame of Dyrnwyn will be as good as quenched if Arawn keeps it from my hands.
Arawn mein Bruder solche Gemeinheiten an sich hat, dann sind es welche aus seiner Welt, nicht aus meiner!
Arawn stole the craft secrets of metalsmiths and potters, the lore of herdsmen and farmers.
Arawn Death-Lord stole those treasures, and now they lie unused and hidden deep in the fastness of Annuvin.
They would bear it to their master: to Arawn Death-Lord, in the dark realm of Annuvin.
Only one wields such a power: Arawn himself, Lord of Annuvin, Land of the Dead.
For us, the flame of Dyrnwyn will be as good as quenched if Arawn keeps it from my hands.
And those who stand against him--- if Lord Arawn chooses to be merciful, he will slay them.
Lord Arawn has sworn to me by every oath: one day I, Magg, will wear the Iron Crown of Annuvin!
Gwystyl judges, as do I, that Arawn means to defeat us in one last battle.
Let every creature turn tooth, beak, and claw against all who serve Arawn Death-Lord.
Sons of Don voyaged in their golden ships to Prydain, and how men sought their protection against Arawn Death-Lord, who, had robbed Prydain of its treasures and turned a rich, fair land into a fallow field.
Though Arawn Death-Lord robbed men of their craft secrets, he could not gain the songs and sayings of our bards.