- It separates Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
- Caspian's neighbor
- About 26,000 square miles of Asia
- Water that borders Kazakhstan
- Water split in 1987
- Uzbekistan border lake
- U. S. S. R. water body
- The Dike Kokaral divides its two sections
- The Amu Darya flows into it
- Syr Darya terminus
- Site of sand-locked ships cited by Gore
- Site of numerous ship graveyards
- Shrunken, polluted Asian body
- Shrunken body of Asia
- Shrinking water of Asia
- Shrinking water
- Shrinking salt-water lake
- Shrinking lake
- Shrinking body of water
- Shrinking Asian body
- Large ex-lake
- Large Asian border lake
- Lake that was formerly one of the world's largest
- Lake that has lost a lot of its original volume
- Lake now split into four parts
- Lake gaining ground
- Kazakh-Uzbek border lake
- Its surface area is about 25% of what it was in 1960
- It's shrinking due to the Qaraqum Canal
- It was once the world's fourth-largest lake
- It borders Uzbekistan
- It borders Kazakhstan
- Huge Asian body of water
- Home to many ship graveyards
- Fourth-largest lake until the 1970s
- Erstwhile Asian lake
- Disappearing lake of Asia
- Disappearing Asian body of water
- Body of water greatly shrunk by 1960s Soviet irrigation
- Asian saltwater lake
- Asian border lake
- About 25,000 square miles in Asia
- About 12,000 square miles of Asia
- Uzbek lake
- About 26,000 square miles of Asia, once
- World's fourth-largest inland body of water
- Noted lake with more than 10% salinity
- Fast-shrinking body
- It's shrinking in Asia
- Uzbek body of water
- Lake on the edge of Kazakhstan
- Waters fed by the Amu Darya
- Body of water between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
- Body of water south of Orsk
- It's now less than half its 1960 size
- Body of water on 60В° East longitude
- Shrinking body of Asia
- Part of the Uzbekistan border
- Amu Darya's outlet
- Body of water on the Uzbek border
- Kazakh border lake
- Polluted Asian lake
- Body that's a lot thinner than it used to be
- The Amu Darya no longer feeds it
- Body that's now a fraction of its former self
- Amu Darya outlet, once
- Body undergoing desertification
- Asian body of water that's now largely dried up
- Victim of river diversion in Asia
- Body of water on 60° East longitude
- Landlocked Asian waters
- Fourth-largest inland body of water
- Asian salt lake
- Russian body of water
- U.S.S.R. body of water
- U.S.S.R. inland body of water
- Salty U.S.S.R. expanse
- About 25,000 square miles of Asia
- Shrinking Asian lake
- Amu Darya's outflow
- Part of it is now a desert
- Shrunken Asian lake
- Shrinking body of water in Asia
- One-time fourth-largest lake
- It's been shrinking since 1960