Aragami (also known as Aragami: The Raging God of Battle) is a 2003 Japanese action film directed by Ryuhei Kitamura. It was Kitamura's contribution to the Duel Project, a challenge issued by producer Shinya Kawai to him and fellow director Yukihiko Tsutsumi to film a feature-length movie with only two actors, battling in one setting, in only the time frame of one week.
Aragami is an upcoming stealth ninja game developed by Spanish game developer Lince Works. The game was originally titled Twin Souls: The Path of Shadows. The players will play the role of Aragami, an assassin with supernatural abilities. The game will be launched in PC and PS4, with an Xbox One version to follow. The player can teleport between shadows and will face an enemy army that goes by the name of 'Kaiho'. This opposing army is formed by warriors with the power to control the light.