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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Arachnoidal \Ar`ach*noid"al\, a. (Anat.) Pertaining to the arachnoid membrane; arachnoid. [1913 Webster] ||


a. (context anatomy English) Pertaining to the arachnoid mater; arachnoid.

Usage examples of "arachnoidal".

Anyway, Mario II's incomplete gestation and arachnoidal birth left the kid with some lifelong character-building physical challenges.

Then came two arachnoidal creatures, eight-legged, with accoutrements of leather, whose narrow, crooked legs, four of which might serve as grasping appendages, were festooned with ribbons, whose horizontally oriented bodies were sashed with silk, scurrying forward, depositing pellets in the pan of the skull, then hurrying backward, crablike, to their places.