The Arabici (meaning "Arabians") were a small sect of the 3rd century, whose founder is unknown, and which is commonly named from Arabia, where it flourished, but sometimes also Thnetopcychitae or Thanatopsychitae (meaning "(believers in) the death of the soul"), from the nature of the error.
The Arabici believed the soul was to perish with the body, though both soul and body would be revived again on Judgement Day. The Arabici theorized this from their study of I Tim., vi, 16, "Who only hath immortality." This passage, they held, ascribes immortality to God alone, and therefore prevents its possession by man. After 40 years of estrangement the Arabici were reconciled to the Church, through the persuasive mediation of Origen, at a council held in 250.
Category:Christian denominations established in the 3rd century