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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Arabian bird

Arabian \A*ra"bi*an\, a. Of or pertaining to Arabia or its inhabitants.

Arabian bird, the phenix.

Arabian bird

Bird \Bird\ (b[~e]rd), n. [OE. brid, bred, bird, young bird, bird, AS. bridd young bird. [root]92.]

  1. Orig., a chicken; the young of a fowl; a young eaglet; a nestling; and hence, a feathered flying animal (see 2).

    That ungentle gull, the cuckoo's bird.

    The brydds [birds] of the aier have nestes.
    --Tyndale (Matt. viii. 20).

  2. (Zo["o]l.) A warm-blooded, feathered vertebrate provided with wings. See Aves.

  3. Specifically, among sportsmen, a game bird.

  4. Fig.: A girl; a maiden.

    And by my word! the bonny bird In danger shall not tarry.

    Arabian bird, the phenix.

    Bird of Jove, the eagle.

    Bird of Juno, the peacock.

    Bird louse (Zo["o]l.), a wingless insect of the group Mallophaga, of which the genera and species are very numerous and mostly parasitic upon birds. -- Bird mite (Zo["o]l.), a small mite (genera Dermanyssus, Dermaleichus and allies) parasitic upon birds. The species are numerous.

    Bird of passage, a migratory bird.

    Bird spider (Zo["o]l.), a very large South American spider ( Mygale avicularia). It is said sometimes to capture and kill small birds.

    Bird tick (Zo["o]l.), a dipterous insect parasitic upon birds (genus Ornithomyia, and allies), usually winged.

Usage examples of "arabian bird".

There was immediately a terrible din of brassy cries, answering or warning, and, on top of the uproar, riding on it proudly like the voice of the Arabian Bird, Robin Wood's fierce horn of silver began to blow.