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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Arabesqued \Ar`a*besqued"\, a. Ornamented in the style of arabesques.


a. Patterned with arabesques.

Usage examples of "arabesqued".

Some had been deformed by the centuries, and appeared like prodigies of nature, fetuses clumsily taken from the maternal womb, inhuman beings on whose contracted forms unnatural, arabesqued chasubles appeared, the colors now dulled, dalmatics that you would have thought embroidered but were gnawed by the work of the years and by some worm of the catacombs.

In single file, their ostrich plumes nodding, their leopardskin tunics contrasting curiously with the marble and arabesqued metal of the ancient palace, they moved across the wide room and halted momentarily at the golden door to the left of the throne-dais.

Directly behind Nicholas was a block of upper-class apartments with a row of arabesqued lintels under the second floor windows and an ornamental ironwork fence along the street level.

The room was about the size of a modest ballroom, with two large hearths with intricately arabesqued marble chimneypieces.

Parusati drew aside a tapestry on the wall opposite the door and pressed on the arabesqued design.

Moorish spires and turrets fair Cleave the air, Arabesqued on skies of gold.

Some of the vistas down long and unbending streets, or through side alleys and over bulbous domes, spires, and arabesqued roofs, were weird and beautiful beyond words.