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arab world

n. 1 (as a minimum) refers to Arabic-speaking independent states where Arabic is the main official and spoken language. 2 (as a maximum) refers to all states, territories and populations in North Africa, Western Asia and elsewhere where Arabic is a language of a significant minority or is a co-official language (including Israel, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia and South Sudan) or a territory is not recognised as independent, such as Palestine and Western Sahara.

Arab world

The Arab world ( ; formally: ), also known as the Arab nation ( ), consists of the 22 Arabic-speaking countries of the Arab League.

The standard definition of the Arab world comprises the 22 countries and territories of the Arab League. These Arab states occupy an area stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Arabian Sea in the east, and from the Mediterranean Sea in the north to the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean in the southeast. The Arab world has a combined population of around 422 million people, with over half under 25 years of age. The sentiment of Arab nationalism arose in the second half of the 19th century along with other nationalist movements within the Ottoman Empire. The Arab League was formed in 1945 to represent the interests of the Arabs, and especially to pursue the political unification of the Arab countries, a project known as Pan-Arabism.

The term "Arab world" is usually rejected by those who live in the region but do not consider themselves Arabs—such as Berbers and Kurds—as it implies the entire region is Arab in its identity, population, and origin, whereas the original homeland of the Arabs is the Arabian Peninsula. The term is also rejected by some indigenous Semitic minorities such as the Assyrians, and many of the Maronites and Copts, as they pre-date Arabs in North Africa, Mesopotamia and the Eastern Mediterranean.

Usage examples of "arab world".

It would allow us to harness the human and material resources of what is probably the most richly endowed of all of the Arab states and try to make it a force that could help start to bring the Arab world out of the miasma into which it has sunk.

Now he saw the demise of the Ottoman Empire as a chance to gain power, just as a dozen Arab leaders in a dozen parts of the Arab world saw it.

This is North Africa, and all out there' - he waved his hand towards the uncurtained windows - 'it is an Arab world with only a thin layer of white peoples who tread a careful step.

These are the ones who believe the Arab world can only rise again when every Christian and Jew is wiped off the face of the earth.

Honor and shame are sacred values we have in the Arab world, and what do we have that is honorable in the eyes of the world?

Used him to penetrate the Arab world and flank NATO from the south.

He thinks there could be reprisals against friends of his in the Arab world.

I said 'migrated and immigrated,' but what really happened is that they were trucked in from all over the Arab world by the British.

Although males were allowed to hold hands and kiss in public, homosexuality was frowned upon generally in the Arab world.

With that, first the Arab world had changed, and then the whole world had soon followed.

It took less of a toll in the Arab world because sexual opportunity was more strictly regulated behind the household walls.

He covered the history and the developing role of the Arab world, concentrating on what he called 'the Holy Crescent of Islam' - a general phrase, he conceded, that excluded the peripheral Muslim areas of Black Africa, the hinterland of the Indian sub-continent, extending into Soviet Russia, and the Muslim areas of the Far Bast, like those of Indonesia and the Philippines.

Notwithstanding expectations after the revolution in Iran that a wave of pro-Iranian Islamic fundamentalism would engulf the Arab world, support for Khomeini and revolution remained limited and confined to Shi'ite communities.

They had come up in one of the latest Arab groups, they told him, as a concession to religious factions in the Arab world back home.