Aquilonia (Conan)
Aquilonia is a fictional country created by Robert E. Howard for the fictional character Conan the Barbarian, who eventually becomes its king. The mythical country existed during the Hyborian Age. Howard was precise concerning the geographic relationships between his fictional world and the real world, placing it in modern France and southern Britain, but left the origins of Aquilonia vague.
Aquilonia may refer to:
Battle of Aquilonia (293 BC), between the Roman Republic and the Samnites
- Agnone (perhaps derived from Aquilonia), in Molise, Italy, the probable location of the battle
- the Roman city of Aquilonia, modern Lacedonia in Campania, Italy
- Aquilonia, Campania (called Carbonara till 1861), previously supposed to be the site of the battle
- Orlec (Italian: ), a village on the island of Cres in Croatia
- Quimper (Latin: ), a town in Brittany, France
- Aquilonia (Conan), a fictional kingdom created by Robert E. Howard for the fictional character Conan the Barbarian