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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
an appropriate/apt metaphor (=a very suitable one)
▪ Building on sand is an apt metaphor for the challenge we face.
▪ Paul Manville had to be given his due - he could not have chosen a more apt record to convey his message.
▪ Black children from middle-class or affluent families, they say, are more apt to adopt what is commonly called black slang.
▪ Shifting sands might have been a more apt title!
▪ She asks him to remember her, and he replies that he is more apt to forget anything else.
▪ There could not be a more apt description of this mountain in miniature.
▪ In 1955, Gibson formally dubbed it an organization, though social club might have been a more apt description.
▪ He should have been booted out of the Olympics and told to race at a more apt venue.
▪ Consequently, the talk at the sand table or the block area is more apt to be teacher-directed.
▪ Try, therefore, to pick out the cases that are most apt for your argument, and rely on them.
▪ These are the books our young children are most apt to encounter when they read on their own.
▪ In this situation professionals are most apt to allow their normal reserve about commerce to lapse, and to give meaningful information.
▪ A euphemism is most apt to be noticed if it is new.
▪ A theoretician is well prepared to consider what the most apt questions about works of art may be.
▪ The play most apt to the period would have been Macbeth, and the ghosts were from Hiroshima.
▪ Many problems have a clear local manifestation; local initiative and self-help must consequently provide the most apt solutions.
▪ The Corydons are placed further away, which lends their performance an intoxicating dream-like quality, which I find particularly apt.
▪ Here again, the word is not particularly apt.
▪ A particularly apt image, since Master James's hotter moments increased the equine nature of his features.
▪ At that time the metaphor of the sinking of the Titanic seemed particularly apt.
▪ The tobacco company is a particularly apt choice for the Whitney's Board of Trustees.
▪ The eye-catchiness of collage also renders it a particularly apt medium for getting a point across effectively.
▪ Treloar has described a very apt demonstration of the transition.
▪ Choose a still, windless day to climb it, otherwise the name is likely to prove very apt!
▪ Some people are very apt to dump all old people together.
▪ The manual suggests that you move the carriage as if ironing and this is a very apt description.
▪ This time, the term attenuation band is an apt description of each range of frequency.
▪ In 1955, Gibson formally dubbed it an organization, though social club might have been a more apt description.
▪ We were travelling along the Lofoten Wall, an apt description for the mountains protecting this huge sea fjord.
▪ More than half of them said it tastes like melted-down bubble gum, which is an apt description of Josta.
▪ There could not be a more apt description of this mountain in miniature.
▪ The manual suggests that you move the carriage as if ironing and this is a very apt description.
▪ If you can readily interpret all this laconic shorthand you are either a well-tried collector or an extraordinarily apt pupil.
▪ In the next few days, he appeared to become a less apt pupil.
▪ With every move she gave a little gasp, as her body, previous experience or not, proved an apt pupil.
▪ Fahey was obviously an apt pupil.
▪ Gibson refers to NARA as an organization, but "social club" might be a more apt description.
▪ And I am apt to nudge my boys to join me in folding the laundry while we watch a television show together.
▪ And the more successful a company has been, the more difficult and painful this process is apt to be.
▪ In this situation professionals are most apt to allow their normal reserve about commerce to lapse, and to give meaningful information.
▪ Mugezi's excremental duties are an apt metaphor for the punishing regime in which he finds himself trapped.
▪ Shaw is like saltwater in the face and Margaret was apt to splutter.
▪ She asks him to remember her, and he replies that he is more apt to forget anything else.
▪ The former epithet is apt, the latter less so.
▪ When a moving object catches their attention, babies are apt to focus on it.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Apt \Apt\, v. t. [L. aptare. See Aptate.] To fit; to suit; to adapt. [Obs.] `` To apt their places.''
--B. Jonson.

That our speech be apted to edification.
--Jer. Taylor.


Apt \Apt\ ([a^]pt), a. [F. apte, L. aptus, fr. obsolete apere to fasten, to join, to fit, akin to apisci to reach, attain: cf. Gr. ? to fasten, Skr. [=a]pta fit, fr. [=a]p to reach attain.]

  1. Fit or fitted; suited; suitable; appropriate.

    They have always apt instruments.

    A river . . . apt to be forded by a lamb.
    --Jer. Taylor.

  2. Having an habitual tendency; habitually liable or likely; -- used of things.

    My vines and peaches . . . were apt to have a soot or smuttiness upon their leaves and fruit.

    This tree, if unprotected, is apt to be stripped of the leaves by a leaf-cutting ant.

  3. Inclined; disposed customarily; given; ready; -- used of persons.

    Apter to give than thou wit be to ask.
    --Beau. & Fl.

    That lofty pity with which prosperous folk are apt to remember their grandfathers.
    --F. Harrison.

  4. Ready; especially fitted or qualified (to do something); quick to learn; prompt; expert; as, a pupil apt to learn; an apt scholar. ``An apt wit.''

    Live a thousand years, I shall not find myself so apt to die.

    I find thee apt . . . Now, Hamlet, hear.

    Syn: Fit; meet; suitable; qualified; inclined; disposed; liable; ready; quick; prompt.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-14c., "inclined, disposed;" late 14c., "suited, fitted, adapted," from Old French ate (13c., Modern French apte), or directly from Latin aptus "fit, suited," adjectival use of past participle of *apere "to attach, join, tie to," from PIE root *ap- (1) "to grasp, take, reach" (cognates: Sanskrit apnoti "he reaches," Latin apisci "to reach after, attain," Hittite epmi "I seize"). Elliptical sense of "becoming, appropriate" is from 1560s.


n. 1 (initialism of automation presses tooling English) 2 (initialism of advanced packaging tool English) 3 (context UK rail transport English) (initialism of advanced passenger train English) 4 (abbreviation of apartment English) The US Postal Service prefers ''APT'', but ''Apt.'' is also seen 5 (initialism of arbitrage pricing theory English) 6 (initialism of automatically programmed tool English) n. 1 (initialism of Alabama public Public television Television English) 2 (initialism of American public Public television Television English)

  1. adj. at risk of or subject to experiencing something usually unpleasant; "he is apt to lose"; "she is liable to forget" [syn: apt(p), liable(p)]

  2. mentally quick and resourceful; "an apt pupil"; "you are a clever reason well and your wit is bold"-Bram Stoker [syn: clever]

  3. (usually followed by `to') naturally disposed toward; "he is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant"; "I am not minded to answer any questions" [syn: apt(p), disposed(p), given(p), minded(p), tending(p)]

  4. being of striking appropriateness and pertinence; "the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images"; "an apt reply" [syn: apposite, appropriate, pertinent]


APT is an acronym. It may refer to:

Apt (Vaucluse)
  1. Redirect Apt, Vaucluse
APT (programming language)

APT or Automatically Programmed Tool is a high-level computer programming language most commonly used to generate instructions for numerically controlled machine tools. Raynold George is considered by many to be the father of APT: as head of the newly created Computer Applications Group of the Servomechanisms Laboratory at MIT in 1956 he led its technical effort. APT is a language and system that makes numerically controlled manufacturing possible. This early language was used widely into the 1970s and is still a standard internationally. Derivatives of APT were later developed.

APT (film)

APT (released as 9:56 in Singapore) is a 2006 South Korean horror film, directed, produced, and written by Ahn Byeong-ki and starring Ko So-young. It is based on a comic by Kang Full. The name APT is from the English word meaning apartment. The film had 644,893 admissions nationwide.

Apt (Egyptian)

Apt, in Egyptian, may refer to:

  • Aput, Åp-t, or Åpu-t, the Messenger god in Egyptian mythology.
  • Åpit, Apt, Apet, Aptu, Epet, Opet, or Åpåpit ( Hathor), as a pregnant water-cow or hippopotamus, who is considered to be the most ancient form of the Great Mother.
  • Apt, Egypt, an ancient city referred to by Gerald Massey as identified with Thebes.

Usage examples of "apt".

This is specially apt to occur when sodium acetate is present, although it may also be due to excessive dilution.

Food of a starchy or saccharine character is apt to increase acidity, and interfere with the assimilation of other elements, therefore, articles, rich in fatty matters, should enter largely into the diet.

But for domestic use we cannot advise its employment, as it is liable to injure the invalid, when its action is carried too far, which is apt to be the case, when not administered under the supervision of a competent physician.

Politicians are so apt to take the line of least resistance, and when thousands of votes of small landowners are to be won through the advocacy of an exemption, exemptions there will be.

It would seem as if skill and polish, with the amount of attention which they appropriate, with their elevation of manner over matter, and thence their lowered standard, are apt to rob from or blur in men these highest qualifications of genius, for it is true that judges miss even in the Lionardo, Michael Angelo, and Raphael of a later and much more accomplished generation, and, to a far greater extent, in the Rubens of another and still later day, the perfect simplicity, the unalloyed fervour, the purity of tenderness in Giotto, Orcagna, Fra Angelico, and in their Flemish brethren, the Van Eycks and Mabuse.

And now there was a full-size movie crew up here, based out of Vineland but apt to show up just about anyplace, prominent among whom, and already generating notable Thanatoid distress, was this clearly insane Mexican DEA guy, not only dropping but also picking up, dribbling, and scoring three-pointers with the name of Frenesi Gates.

When eaten raw, dried Figs prove somewhat aperient, and they are apt to make the mouth sore whilst masticating them.

Perfect calms at sea are always suspected by the experienced mariner to be the forerunners of a storm: and I know some persons, who, without being generally the devotees of superstition, are apt to apprehend that great and unusual peace or tranquillity will be attended with its opposite.

These people were apt to appear at the auberge in the guise of Tarzan or Crusoe or Pocahontas or Rima, or else costumed as throwbacks to every conceivable Old World era and culture.

Whereat I stood musing and commending to my selfe the ingenious and apt inuention of the Arthist, in the vse of such a stone, which of his owne nature to contrarie proportions affoorded contrarie coulers, and in such sort as by the raysing vp of hir small plummage aboue hir seare, hir beack halfe open, and hir toung appearing in the middest thereof, as if she had beene resolutely intended, and eagerly bent to haue gorged hir selfe vpon it.

XVIII--CHILDREN: PRIVATE WARD Here in this dim, dull, double-bedded room, I play the father to a brace of boys, Ailing but apt for every sort of noise, Bedfast but brilliant yet with health and bloom.

Being a man of letters, Byles Gridley naturally rather undervalued the literary acquirements of the good people of the rural district where he resided, and, having known much of college and something of city life, was apt to smile at the importance they attached to their little local concerns.

Exposure to such pressures is apt to be followed by disagreeable and even dangerous physiological effects, which are commonly referred to as caisson disease or compressed air illness.

Dryfoos was apt to substitute a costlier wine where he could for a cheaper one, and he gave Frescobaldi carte blanche for the decoration of the table with pieces of artistic confectionery.

On the front shelf of the bar stood a large German-silver pitcher of water, and scattered about were ill-conditioned lamps, with wicks that always wanted picking, which burned red and smoked a good deal, and were apt to go out without any obvious cause, leaving strong reminiscences of the whale-fishery in the circumambient air.