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n. (plural of approximation English)

Usage examples of "approximations".

As with the eleventh dimension, this feature of M-theory emerges when calculations are freed from reliance on the approximations used prior to the mid-1990s.

Instead, physicists know only approximations to these equations, and even the approximate equations are so complicated that they as yet have been only partially solved.

The uncertainty arises from worries about the approximations in the stability formula, which may not work for such large numbers.

What we call laws of nature are human approximations to regulari­ties that crop up in certain specialized regions of the universe -chemical molecules, galaxy dynamics, whatever.

Because our human-level theories are approximations, we get very excited when some more general prin­ciple leads to more accurate results.

He seemed to have no real idea of what to do, only vague guesses and approximations, and she knew barely more than that herself.

It was maddening: so inexact, so imprecise, mere approximations of meaning, images and sensations rather than words, which must be deciphered, which must be interpreted.

Justice is an ideal, and cities, at best, are approximations of the ideal of justice.

After the few years of dramatic progress during the first superstring revolution, physicists found that the approximations being used were inadequate to answer a number of essential questions hindering further developments.

Long dry spells were periodically punctuated by important discoveries, but it was clear to everyone in the field that new methods with the power to go beyond the previous approximations were required.

We must understand the nature of the approximations used in studying string theory and their inherent limitations.

We must gain some familiarity with the clever techniques—collectively called dualities—that physicists have invoked to circumvent some of these approximations.

On such large distance scales, we need consider only the gravitational force, but unless further approximations are made, the equations encountered are extremely complicated.

But to trust the accuracy of the results found, one must determine whether the supposedly ballpark approximations that ignore all but the first few diagrams in Figure 12.

Three of these turn out to be the low-energy point-particle approximations to the Type IIA string, the Type IIB string, and the Heterotic-E string.