Crossword clues for apprises
vb. (en-third-person singular of: apprise)
Usage examples of "apprises".
But if there should appear in the company some gentle soul who knows little of persons or parties, of Carolina or Cuba, but who announces a law that disposes these particulars, and so certifies me of the equity which checkmates every false player, bankrupts every self-seeker, and apprises me of my independence on any conditions of country, or time, or human body,- that man liberates me.
A new thought or a crisis of passion apprises him that all that he has yet learned and written is exoteric,- is not the fact, but some rumor of the fact.
Forte for in fact my business calls for what in vulgar parlance is termed an ear to the earth which apprises me not only of commercial happenings but events in the political realm frequently reacting one with the other to produce the utmost droll consequences an example of which hapÂpened yesterday when at the orders of aforesaid esteemed Mr.
When the chief constable has made his formal request to the Permanent Under Secretary at the Home Office, the latter passes the request to his opposite number in Defense, who in turn apprises the director of military operations of the request, and the DMO alerts the SAS at its Hereford base camp.
When the crowd apprises them of the facts one of them departs immediately, presumably to inform Kalith of events, while the other two pick up Elith.
His chief operations officer, Miles O'Brien, a recent transfer from the Enterprise, quickly apprises Sisko of the terrible state in which the Cardassians left the station.
Cole apprises Bashir of Ethan Locken’s activities on Sindorin, and recruits Bashir to help stop him.